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Corona Guidelines

Corona Guidelines

These are strange and unbelievable times. The coronavirus causes a lot of uncertainty and confusion; what can be done, what can't be done? We'd like to share with you our guidelines regarding the Corona virus.

Do you have any questions after reading the guidelines below?
Call: 013 850 1080 (working days from 09:00 / 18:00)
E-mail: [email protected]

1. We just stay open! You can just order.

For the delivery of the parcels no direct contact is required between us, the postmen and you as a customer. So you can still order everything from us for installation, finishing and maintenance of your floor. This will just be delivered. We are still available by phone for advice and support. Our employees use gloves to pack the products and in our building there is always a 1.5 meter distance between people.

2. It is also possible to pick up in the shop

If you want to pick up the order from us, this is still possible, Also purchases of maintenance and finishing products, parquet floors and all other floors, renting machines, etc. etc. are still possible. However, we do ask you to wash your hands well in advance and keep a distance of 1.5 meters to prevent contamination. If you experience slight complaints, do not come and collect it until you have been free of complaints for at least 24 hours. Machines are completely disinfected and cleaned by us.

3. Delivery times

It is possible that your parcel will be on the road longer than normal, because carriers such as Postnl, DHL, DPD etc. also have to take measures to prevent distribution as much as possible. They work with man and power to be able to deliver everything, they also have many problems due to the Corona crisis and yet they do everything they can to still deliver the huge amount of parcels:

Many more online orders because many shops are closed
Many more online orders because consumers are not allowed/will not/will not be able to go outside
Safety measures mean that we are much slower to process parcels:
Loading and unloading of parcels takes longer
We sort far fewer parcels because our employees also have to keep a distance of 1.5 metres and other precautions.
Fewer parcels are distributed per trip due to the tightened security measures.
Many employees are sick or are not allowed to come to work because of the announced government measures.

You can find more about the current Corona situation at PostNL here.

4. Sign for your shipment

The policy on signing for a shipment has been adjusted by the carriers. The deliverer can now sign himself and will ask for the last 3 digits of your identity card or passport. Make sure there is enough distance when handing over the parcel. If you have any complaints, have the parcel put outside so you can carry it inside by yourself.


Other guidelines apply especially for Belgium

Delivery option 'collection at PostNL points' expires
It is no longer possible to opt for 'pick-up at PostNL pick-up location' for parcels to Belgium. Parcels can only be sent directly to an address you or someone you know.

Bpost points and vending machines etc. remain open for the time being.

Parcels at PostNL points
Parcels that have not been collected before 12:00 p.m. on 18 March will remain stored at the PostNL point. They will remain there until 7 days after the shop has reopened. Parcels that are still arriving for the closed stores receive 1 offer attempt and if it turns out that the store is closed, the driver scans it as refused and the parcel is returned. Parcels that are currently on their way to closed PostNL points will be returned to the sender.

Home delivery
Parcels in Belgium receive Bpost, Postnl and DPD 2 offers. If a consumer is unable to accept the parcel at the second delivery attempt, the parcel will be sent to the nearest collection point that remains open. You will be informed via the track and trace as soon as you can pick up the parcel, make sure to check your spambox etc so you don't miss all these mails.